Engaging the “Flow”

Ariaa Jaeger
1 min readAug 3, 2023

I see clients seven days a week, often 14 hours a day. The common thread in most sessions, is how many of them do not and cannot seem to recognize “the flow,” the most obvious solution to their dilemma’s.

“The flow” is typically the path of least resistance, the most obvious solution and or the solution that recognizes God’s hand in the mix. The less convoluted, the more divine about 99% of the time.

Humans love to make things hard, they often overthink from a personal perspective which many times includes fear, worry, stress and panic vs seeing the bigger picture, which involves faith and certainty that the universe is always conspiring in your favor.

Blind faith is the difference between those who walk in worry or those who walk in peace. Life doesn’t have to be a striving proposition, often made hard by the unhealed triggers that dictate outcomes. Humans often focus on the problem instead of the solutions and many times overlook the most obvious solution. As you age recognizing “the flow” becomes imperative because time doesn’t permit anything less.

Remember the universe knows your heart, hears your prayers and based on your own ability to stay positive and avoid muddying the clarity with negative thinking, will deliver the highest outcomes. Flailing and fighting against the flow only serves to demolish the invisible forces always there to assist you with every need.

Today, learn to see, recognize and engage “the flow.’ Your life and well-being depend on this essential ingredient. Sending love and riding the wave of “the flow.”



Ariaa Jaeger

Spiritual Life Strategist, Spiritual Science/Psychology Cellular memory, Emotional Intelligence, Life Sciences, Meditation, Author, Activist, Huff Post, Liberal