The Deconstruction of HumanityThe underbelly of humanity, the Leviathan, is being exposed. The norms are being dissolved and the deconstruction of mankind is at hand…Feb 11Feb 11
The Heart of the MatterJuly 1st marks exactly one year since my near fatal heart attack. I wish I knew then what I know today and would like to save some of you…Jun 30, 20241Jun 30, 20241
Of Trails and GloryCelebrate every mountain, every hill, every valley, every sea, you conquer. Navigating life, mastering circumstance, becoming the captain…Mar 8, 2024Mar 8, 2024
How To Allow Your Pet to Die a Natural DeathNever put an animal down for your own comfort or at all if you have the strength and courage because if they were in the wild they would…Aug 21, 2023Aug 21, 2023
Engaging the “Flow”I see clients seven days a week, often 14 hours a day. The common thread in most sessions, is how many of them do not and cannot seem to…Aug 3, 2023Aug 3, 2023
International Women’s Day 2023Women are the heart and spine of a pulsating earth at the center of the universe. We are the mothers, the grandmothers, the…Mar 8, 2023Mar 8, 2023
Transitions, the Price of LoveEnergy is tangible and is felt by the most attuned soul and the least awake/aware ones all over the world. Many call it empathy; some call…Feb 19, 2023Feb 19, 2023
Commerce, Courtesy and Convenience-What America Took for Granted (and how to move forward post…The holidays are upon us and after two years of pandemic, lock down, and supply chain shortages, it does not appear that joy will be at the…Nov 25, 2021Nov 25, 2021
Time. The Precious Gift Seniors Have Lost During Covid-19The world was put on hold while the Corona-virus invaded every country and cities across America. Most world leaders were locking down…Oct 25, 2020Oct 25, 2020